Our Great Region 2040 Videos

Videos Stories Around Our Region

The success of Our Great Region 2040 is dependent on the support and participation of everyone in our region. However, we are not starting from scratch. Local governments, organizations and individuals across our region are already taking part in activities that promote the goals, Big Ideas and strategies of this plan.

Our Region Moves

From safe and attractive roadways to bicycle and pedestrian-friendly streets, great things are happening in our region.

Our Region Volunteers

From environmental education efforts to citizen projects, great things are happening in our region.

Our Region Saves

From energy-efficient schools to green construction, great things are happening in our region.

Our Region Revitalizes

From historic preservation to streetscape improvements, great things are happening in our region.

Our Region Recycles

From recycling choices to innovative re-use opportunities, great things are happening in our region.

Our Region Nourishes

From farmers markets to community gardens, great things are happening in our region.

Our Region Gives

From active volunteerism to community support, great things are happening in our region.

Our Region Conserves

From eco-system greenways to hike and bike trails, great things are happening in our region.


Our Great Region 2040
Houston-Galveston Area Council

DISCLAIMER: The work provided for the basis for this website was supported by funding under an award with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The substance and findings of the work are dedicated to the public. The author and publisher are solely responsible for the accuracy of the statement and interpretations contained in this website. Such interpretations do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Government
Copyright © 2014 Our Great Region 2040